Zypher gZKm Provable Games Buildathon

📝 Event Specific Info

⭐ Zypher 🤝 RISC Zero Example

poker0 - A poker game leveraging RISC Zero and PLONK for off-chain proof of game processes, with on-chain validation, built on the Z4 engine.

Note: This perhaps is a rather complex starting point from without any experience with RISC Zero or PLONK, we suggest experimenting with the more basic examples first to get a feel for things first 😸.

🧠 Further Reading & Resources

RISC Zero Game Examples

Note that many other examples showcase things you might want (reading a JSON file, checking a password, and more!)

Here are a few key game specific ones:

RISC Zero powered zkSnake (R0 v0.20)


  • Winner of RISC Zero Coprocessor Bounty at ETHDenver 2024 and did well in community quadratic voting too!
  • Idea: take it further and make a bevy app in wasm w/ webGPU with shared core logic identical on web & "re-player" zkVM

Dark Forest

☝️ A fantastic veteran review of their work and showcases fundamentally new type of game that web3 makes possible: build base infrastructure for others to build on top of permissionless. Shared infra -> plurality of ways to interact with a wider community on the same base layer opens up novel MMO games built by and for players!

Although today zkVMs help devs avoid needing to write most of the game in some contract language or (zk)DSL, like is enabled in RISC Zero with the bevy game engine. And it's very likely to be far more cost effective to run too!

More for RISC Zero