Nuke 🌄 Slides

This book is the home of the majority of Nuke's slides used various places.

Why an mdbook? Searchability mostly ✨- just hit s to find by keyword!

Read the Book

We suggest the online version for general use, but cloning, installing, and building this book offline is a great option on-the-go.

Hosted Online

The latest version is hosted at:

Build Offline

In order to make your life easy 😉, there is a set of tasks that use just.

With just installed, you can list all tasks included to facilitate further installation, building, serving, formatting, and more with:

# Run from the top-level working dir of this repo
just --list

The tasks should be self-explanatory, if they are not - please file an issue to help us make them better.


All materials found within this repository are licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 - See the License for details. Please do give Nuke 🌄 credit if you end up using or referencing these materials 😀.